The underdog, son-of-an-immigrant-father, raised-by-his-grandmother, no-silver-spoon junior senator from Illinois has won the highest office in our great nation. America is a different country this morning, a
better country this morning.
Yes, I voted for Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin. Yes, I have been a member of the Republican Party for more than twenty years. And
yes, I was moved by the images last night:
- Celebratory crowds across the nation, irrespective of race, creed or caste.
- A teary-eyed Rev. Jesse Jackson, visibly moved by the significance of this election.
- Sen. John McCain's very elegant and classy concession speech.
- Pro-Obama crowds cheering for Sen. McCain during that speech.
- Numerous non-caucasian commentators recalling grade school classrooms with pictures of Presidents -- none of whom looked like them.
American may have finally proven -- not only to the world, but to itself -- that we have cleared the hurdle that is race. Barely forty years after the end of Jim Crow laws, our Head of State, Chief Executive of our federal government (and my ultimate boss), and the Commander-in-Chief of the greatest armed forces in the history of the world is a man who was subjected to those segregationist laws in his youth.
Ironically, this is also a more appropriate role for the Republican Party that I joined: a party built
not on the morality of evangelicals, but on the simple premise of
"Less Government, Free Markets". It was a counterintuitive role for the GOP to be the majority party, so hopefully Rep. Boehner and Sen. McConnell will embrace this opportunity to stymie the growth of government and bring our party back to its core values.
I chose the photo at the top because it is indicative of the same winds of change that we have just witnessed. Just as that Iraqi woman was given the power (just a few short years ago) to have an impact on her own nation's policies, so too has America embraced the optimism of change -- and done so in decisive fashion.
I'm proud to be an American.