[Moblog] Closest to the Pin
Third hole at the U.S. Air Force Academy's Eisenhower Golf Club (Blue Course), playing a mid-day round with my fraternity brother (and Sophie's godfather) Tony. Tony is darn near a scratch golfer, with monster 300-yd-plus drives, and a whole lot of patience to deal with my triple-digit scores!
J-Man's Art
J-Man is taking an art camp at a local studio. The theme this week is "Outer Limits", so he's made a Play-Doh solar system (complete with green-laser-shooting Death Star), a plastic - cardboard - & - wire robot (with a bundle of cables for its brain), and a very nicely done lunar surface launch scene (with a blue Water Yoshi left behind).
Of course, this is a morning camp - so we were able to catch an opening day showing of TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen. Great fun!
[Moblog] Fossil Fields
Fathers Day hike at the Florissant Fossil Fields National Monument. J-man is standing by the "Scudder Pit", showing the rich sedimentary layers that formed some 34 million years ago when the Guffey Volcano Fields (once dominating the skyline, even dwarfing the Pikes Peak Massif) erupted à la Mount St. Helens-style and covered Lake Florissant with ash.
This region used to be home to giant redwoods; today all that's left are their petrified stumps.
[Moblog] Panning for Gold
The Western Museum of Mining & Industry is having its annual "Rock Fair" today. Eldest and Man-Cub are trying their hand at gold panning, reminiscent of a certain legendary road trip five years ago....
[Moblog] Pride Rock
There's something mildly disconcerting about waking to the sounds of lions roaring.....
Labels: zoocamp09
[Moblog] Sunrise over Cheyenne Mtn
Beautiful morning -- despite the torrential downpour last night. Doppler showed lots of yellow and red over south Colorado Springs.....
Lessons learned? Hard rain on a tent sounds a lot like sleeping inside a drum during a Kiss concert, and your rain-fly will never work as advertised if there's the slightest hint of wind.
Labels: zoocamp09
[Moblog] Zoo Loft
After visiting the necropsy lab at the zoo hospital, we ended the night at the "Loft", featuring a number of reptiles and amphibians - plus a de-scented skunk named Lily.
Labels: zoocamp09
[Moblog] FOB Giraffe
After the giraffes, guinea fowl, turkey vultures and zebras were sent to their indoor pens this evening, our Scouts formed a working party to clean the yard. Many rakes, shovels, and two wheelbarrows worth of "#2" later, and the yard was ready for campin'!
Labels: zoocamp09
[Moblog] Zoo Camping
The Boy Scouts-Pikes Peak Council is having a campout at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo tonight. We've signed Man-Cub up for a behind-the-scenes vet tour, and a "loft" activity that reportedly involves cleaning up after the animals.....
We'll be camping out in the Giraffe Yard, and look forward to seeing the animals after dark.
Labels: zoocamp09
Kamehameha Day
Kamehameha (born as Pai'ea on the leeward side of the Big Island) became the ali'i nui of all eight islands in the early 19th century, conquering all of the islands (except Kaua'i and Ni'ihau) by force -- including forcing many of Kalanikupule's (the ali'i of O'ahu) off the Pali cliffs. The more-distant islands of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau were won through negotiation rather than battle.
Today is a public holiday in the state of Hawai'i, with a floral parade from the 'Iolani Palace to the edge of Kapi'olani Park near Diamondhead, an evening draping ceremony with long strands of lei draped over the King's statue, and a Hoʻolauleʻa -- a super-sized lu'au.
Aloha nui loa, Kamehameha!
Labels: history
D-Day + 65 Years
The beginning of the end of World War II started 65 years ago. As President Obama said earlier today at OMAHA Beach on the Normandy shore, "At an hour of maximum danger, amid the bleakest of circumstances, men who thought themselves ordinary found it within themselves to do the extraordinary ..."
D-Day was the consequence of not only extraordinary acts by ordinary men, but also by the brilliant subterfuge of its planners. Some have called Fortitude South "the greatest deception of all time", allowing the Allied forces to secure a foothold on the Continent despite their numerical inferiority.
While Google chose to solely honor Tetris on their site today (an anniversary I have also acknowledged on this blog), it is far more important to respect the profound sacrifice of so many Allied forces who gave their "last full measure of devotion" in defeating the Axis.
25 Years of Tetris
Social Media
Despair, Inc. :-( -- makers of many brilliant "demotivational posters" -- has been on a tear lately. Today they introduced two hilarious new tee-shirts (one of which sports the logo shown above, "unlocking the awesome potential of behavioral disorders").
Check 'em out!
Labels: humor
[Moblog] Microburst
Having grown up in Northern California, and spending another decade in San Diego & Hawai'i, one word could describe the weather:
* Predictable *
Our first month in southeast Virginia, we lost power three times -- and, four years later, experienced our first hurricane (ISABEL, a Cat-1 that showed me the awesome power of a cyclone).
Then in east Tennessee we saw the confluence of Great Plains thunderstorms and subtropical depressions with the occasional winter ice storm.
But nothing as been as crazy as this past six months in Colorado Springs. Wide swings in temperatures at all seasons, routine gale-force winds, and now a microburst storm cell just outside my office window.... (This photo was from a stoplight just off post on my way home.)